the man basher .
Im simple , but not simple minded . Im hard to please . im vain . im a make-up-aholic . i hate love . . . but i love to hate people that deserve it .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

this isn't my job . im not getting paid for this .

Dear Same-Old ,

I have a question . . . no , more like a demand .

lay off .

go die .

commit suicide .

That " jank " , that " bootycall " that " chick on the side " your bragging
about ? you see ? she's my world . . . she's my best friend . she'd do ANYTHING
for me and I'd do the same for her . . . but what i WON'T do is your
goddamn motherFUCKING job .

Stop lying to her , stop setting her up . . . stop building things up just to break her down . I can't . . . no . . i WON'T stand for it anymore . . If you're a player , thats fine , just don't do it on my time . Because , you see , when you DON'T text her or you DON'T call her . . . I GET THE MOTHERFUCKING CALL ! her tears , her screams her cries they fall on ME .

Not to mention my own heartbreak . . . but NOW , i have to fix YOUR goddamn mistake . . .

When I see her cry , I start to imagine all of the things I want to do to you.

should i start by cutting you're dick off ?

no , how about your tongue so you can't sling that BULLSHIT anymore . . .

then , i'd stab you in YOUR heart so you MIGHT understand how she feels .

Dear Same-Old .

I can handle mine , I'm a tough bitch , been through it all , but what i WILL NOT
stand for is you killing my friend .

The MadameAssassin