the man basher .
Im simple , but not simple minded . Im hard to please . im vain . im a make-up-aholic . i hate love . . . but i love to hate people that deserve it .

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Religious Much ?

No . I'm not a Christian . I don't believe in God , Jesus or the Bible . This does not make me an Atheist . I do believe in a higher being , I just agree with the teachings of another religion . " Why " , you ask ? There are several reasons . For one , the most judgmental and hateful , spiteful people I have ever met happened to be hard core Christians . They based their hate and rejection on scriptures and quotes they got from a book they don't even know who wrote . They judge others and say they are " hell bound " for exercising their right to do as they damn well please . How are you going to consider being gay a sin , yet make up excuses as to why a man can beat on his wife ? Just because you're " saved " doesn't make you better than anyone else .

what am I ?

this is the first time ive decided to reveal my religion . Not because im afraid or embarrassed , i just feel its a touchy subject . buuuuuttt i am a BUDDHIST . there . now you know .

1 comment:

  1. It really saddens me that people only have one view of Christianity and its fundamental western ways-time after time its associated with conservative right wing groups who are anti-gay, anti-choice(when it comes to abortion)and super judgmental. instead of looking at the message of Christ we are given doomsday prophecies about Gods is indeed a stain on our religion.
    before you shut out our religion completely realize that the similarities to the buddha and Christ are more close than any other religious figures. both were non judgmental-read (Dhammapada 252)and(Matthew 7: 1-5). both were charitable (Dhammapada 249) and (Matthew 6: 1-4)both broke away from religions of ritual and law. both proved to be a savior for all people-whether it was Buddha who taught khema a female consort the noble truths or Jesus who stood up for the adulteress before she was about to be stoned to death. i don't want to go too long on an essay in this comment. but you yourself are being as harsh as conservatives if you think that this is what Christianity represents. it is that same mind state that makes people believe Islam and terrorism go hand in hand or Aids and homosexuality go hand in hand.

    i know you said in your post this is what Hardcore Christians believe...but i say this to you. that is not Christianity...that is not the message of Christ.

    all that is -is a political agenda and a patriarchal society that uses a religion to back up their beliefs. in the same way Hitler used nationalism and socialism to back up his beliefs. before you throw us into all the same basket realize that's not what we are.

    God bless,
    the northsider
