the man basher .
Im simple , but not simple minded . Im hard to please . im vain . im a make-up-aholic . i hate love . . . but i love to hate people that deserve it .

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I hate men . No , not really . I just hate most of them . . . maybe a good 80% I mean they smile , they say all the right things , they make you feel special . . . . they just . . well , charm the dog shit out of you .

Oh . and im harrddd to get to . I can tell in an instant if Im attracted or if I never have to see speak or hear from you again .

Walls . Im a huge fan of those . I build mine extremely high . I mean , dude , you'd have to get like 6 ladders just to get over it , or you could just knock it down . . . or If I like you enough , Ill let it down . . . but lately , i feel like my wall has been attacked , ambushed , bombed . . . bleh .

Men are weeds . I am a flower . I can't grow because these men keep inhibiting my progress . I need the right man to come and pick them .

I have a question . How do you all sleep at night ? like . . . how do you FUCK a girl over and then sleep at night ? Like how do you use her , lie to her and then expect her to be your friend ? Are you an idiot ?


you have the NERVE to call me bitter . . . little boy . . . please . Go be up new chick's ass and leave me alone . Don't ask to be my friend , nd nah , dude . we aint " cool " . Truth is ? I probably wouldn't care if i EVER hear from you again . #JadeLynnShrug .

- Signed ,
The Flower .

1 comment:

  1. your insight, perspective is real and poetic. You a mad cool lady and I gots respect for what you said about us. Men are weeds eating the life source of the flowers. Once a long time ago we worshiped woman as GOD the divine creator of the Universe and the sun was the symbol for our faith. Somehow someone with ill intentions turned the sun into a man and fucked everything up. i&i was once a weed, but after we came back from hell we blossomed into a Tulip. May all the boddisattvas and buddhas keep blessin you darlin' you've helped me understand something today. + I love the
